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10 Facts of the Devil’s Bible

10 Facts of the Devil’s Bible

10 Facts of the Devil’s Bible

The Devil’s Bible, also known as the Codex Gigas, is a medieval manuscript that has intrigued people for centuries. This massive tome, weighing in at 165 pounds and measuring 36 inches tall, 20 inches wide, and 8.7 inches thick, is believed to be the largest surviving medieval manuscript in the world. Its mysterious origins and eerie legends surrounding it have earned it a reputation as one of the most interesting and enigmatic books in history. In this article, we’ll delve into the history of the Devil’s Bible and explore some of the fascinating facts surrounding it.

10 Facts of the Devil's Bible

10 Facts of the Devil’s Bible

History of the Devil’s Bible

The Devil’s Bible is believed to have been created in the early 13th century in the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice, in what is now the Czech Republic. The manuscript was written on 310 vellum leaves, which were made from the skins of approximately 160 donkeys. It is said that the book was created by a single monk who made a deal with the devil to complete it in just one night.

The legend goes that the monk was accused of breaking his monastic vows and was sentenced to be walled up alive. In desperation, he made a pact with the devil, promising to create a book that would glorify the monastery and its history in exchange for his life. The devil agreed, and the monk was able to complete the book in one night, with the devil’s help. As a result, the manuscript is sometimes referred to as the Devil’s Bible.

10 Facts About the Devil’s Bible

The Devil’s Bible is the largest surviving medieval manuscript in the world, weighing in at 165 pounds and measuring 36 inches tall, 20 inches wide, and 8.7 inches thick.

It is estimated that the book took approximately 20 years to create, and it contains a variety of texts, including the Old and New Testaments, a complete Latin Vulgate Bible, several historical and medical texts, and even a calendar of saints.

The book’s name comes from an illustration of the devil that appears on one of the pages, which is the only illustration in the entire book.

The Devil’s Bible is written in Latin, using a distinctive script known as Gothic script, which was common in medieval Europe.

The manuscript was bound in wood and covered in leather, with metal corner protectors and a metal clasp. The cover is now lost, but it is believed to have been decorated with metalwork and precious stones.

In the 17th century, the Devil’s Bible was housed in the monastery at Sedlec, near Prague, where it was kept until the 20th century.

During the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century, the book was stolen by Swedish troops and taken to Stockholm. It was returned to the Czech Republic in the 17th century as part of a peace treaty.

The book is currently housed at the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm, where it is kept in a specially constructed display case.

In 2007, a team of researchers from the National Library of Sweden conducted a comprehensive study of the Devil’s Bible, using high-tech equipment to examine the book’s pages and binding. They found that the book had undergone significant damage over the centuries, including water damage, insect damage, and damage from previous attempts to restore it.

Despite its mysterious and sometimes sinister reputation, the Devil’s Bible is an important historical artifact, providing a glimpse into the culture and beliefs of medieval Europe.


The Devil’s Bible, with its mysterious origins and eerie legends, has fascinated people for centuries. Although its true origins and purpose remain shrouded in mystery, its importance as a historical artifact cannot be denied. The book provides insight into the religious and cultural beliefs of medieval Europe, and its unique contents offer a glimpse into the intellectual pursuits of the time. The book’s intricate illustrations, elaborate script, and impressive size are testaments to the skill and dedication of the monks who created it.

The Devil’s Bible remains one of the most intriguing and enigmatic books in history. Its legend of being created in a single night with the help of the devil has captured the imagination of people for centuries. The book’s massive size, distinctive script, and unique contents make it an important historical artifact that offers insight into the religious and cultural beliefs of medieval Europe. While the Devil’s Bible continues to fascinate people today, its true origins and purpose may never be fully known.



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Varunraj kalse

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