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  • Aug- 2024 -
    6 August
    Need of Management Education in Life

    14 Reasons: The Need of Management Education in Life

    The Need for Management Education in Life Management is often perceived as a corporate skill, tucked away in boardrooms and confined to business strategies. But have you ever stopped to think about how integral management is in every facet of…

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  • 2 August
    Role of Management Education

    The Crucial Role of Management Education in Enhancing Life Skills

    The Crucial Role of Management Education in Enhancing Life Skills Introduction to Management Education Management education encompasses a comprehensive study of principles and practices essential for effective organizational functioning. It integrates academic theory with practical application to develop a well-rounded…

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  • Aug- 2023 -
    22 August
    Differences between White Hat SEO-Black Hat SEO

    Differences between White Hat SEO-Black Hat SEO

    Differences between White Hat SEO-Black Hat SEO White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO are two contrasting approaches to search engine optimization, a process aimed at improving a website’s visibility on search engines like Google. These approaches differ in their…

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  • Mar- 2023 -
    21 March
    How GitHub is useful for computer science students

    How GitHub is useful for computer science students

    How GitHub is useful for computer science students As a computer science student, you might be familiar with GitHub. It’s a web-based hosting service for version control using git, a distributed revision control system. While it’s commonly used by software…

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  • 10 March
    AI in Education

    4 Pros and Cons of AI in Education

     4 Pros and Cons of AI in Education “Overuse of AI in Education: Why It is Not Good for Students’ Future”   Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, including education. AI-powered tools and software have transformed the way students…

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  • 6 March
    How Students Can Earn Money By Freelancing While Studying

    How Students Can Earn Money By Freelancing

    How Students Can Earn Money By Freelancing While Studying As a student, it can be tough to make ends meet while juggling classes, assignments, and extracurricular activities. But what if there was a way for you to earn money while…

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  • Feb- 2023 -
    10 February
    Features of Kali Linux

    7 Best Features of the Best Hacking OS: Kali Linux

    7 Best Features of the Best Hacking OS: Kali Linux Kali Linux is a highly customizable and versatile operating system that has become increasingly popular among security professionals and ethical hackers. This open-source operating system, based on Debian Linux, is…

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  • 9 February
    Ethical Hacking with these 7 best operating system in 2023

    Ethical Hacking with these 7 best operating system in 2023

    7 Best Operating Systems for Ethical Hacking in 2023 ©Varunraj Kalse Ethical hacking, also known as white-hat hacking, is a practice of using hacking techniques for finding and fixing security vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. To perform ethical hacking,…

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  • Dec- 2022 -
    6 December
    Best Tools for Students

    Best Tools for Students to Complete their Assignments

    6 Best Tools for Students to Complete their Assignments ©Varunraj Kalse Table of Contents Summary Generator परीक्षा काळात विद्यार्थ्यांना अनेक वेळा Assignments लिहायचे असतात तेव्हा अनेक पाने लिहिण्या ऐवजी त्याच प्रश्नांच्या उत्तरांची अचुक Summary मिळाली तर…. किती बरे होईल….? मग…

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  • Oct- 2022 -
    5 October
    5 Tips and Art of Dressing for an Interview

    5 Tips and Art of Dressing for an Interview

    5 Tips and Art of Dressing for an Interview To Look More Presentable ©Eesha Malkani   Are you finding your dream job, too? But for some reason, after the interview, you don’t get a callback. Your CV was way better…

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  • Jul- 2022 -
    5 July

    Job Job Job Opening in Apple In Store Sales

    Job Job Job Opening in Apple In Store Sales Opening In Apple In-Store Sales Promoters.Designation: *iPro KOLHAPUR• Solapur• Sangali• Pune• PCMC• Latur• Ratnagiri• Pandharpur• Karad Qualification: GRADUATION, 6 months Sales Experience Required. Salary starting from Rs. 18000/- to Rs. 20,000/-…

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  • Jun- 2022 -
    1 June

    Udyamita Yatra 2022

    ‘उद्यमिता यात्रा 2022.‘ महाराष्ट्र राज्य कौशल्य विकास, रोजगार आणि उद्योजकता विभाग, महाराष्ट्र राज्य कौशल्य विकास सोसायटी आणि युथ एड फाउंडेशन यांच्या एकत्रित प्रयत्नामधून राज्याच्या इतिहासातील सर्वात मोठा लघु उद्योजकतला प्रोत्साहन देणारा उपक्रम. ‘Udyamita Yatra 2022.‘ जगावर ओढवलेला कोरोना महामारीचा फटका…

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  • May- 2022 -
    9 May

    Top Content Writing (Professional Writing) Job Opportunities in 2022

    Top Content Writing (Professional Writing) Job Opportunities in 2022 @Trainer of the Content Writing Course You can find more career opportunities in the field of content writing on this blog. Have you ever tried to write something? Then you might like what you read here. Now I don’t know if I want to become a writer or not. But I can say that…

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  • Apr- 2022 -
    21 April

    How to Download Movies Webseries Books Games Free?

    How to Free Download Movies Web Series Books Games Step-By-Step Guide @Varunraj Kalse Disclaimer: Downloading Copyrighted Material is Prohibited by Law. This post is for educational and informational purposes only. Please use the following process at your own risk. uTorrent…

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  • 19 April

    केन्स टेक्नॉलॉजी इंडिया लिमिटेड आयपीओसाठी सज्ज

    केन्स टेक्नॉलॉजी इंडिया लिमिटेड आयपीओसाठी सज्ज Kaynes Technology India IPO : केन्स टेक्नॉलॉजी इंडिया लिमिटेड (KTIL), एक एंड-टू-एंड आणि IoT सोल्यूशन्स सक्षम इंटिग्रेटेड इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मॅन्युफॅक्चरिंग प्लेयर, या कंपनीने प्रारंभिक सार्वजनिक ऑफर (IPO) द्वारे निधी उभारण्यासाठी भांडवली बाजार नियामक सेबीकडे प्राथमिक…

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  • Jan- 2022 -
    3 January

    Tips for choosing the right career

    योग्य करिअर निवडीसाठी टिप्स… ©टीम नेटभेट करिअर निवडायचं कसं हा प्रश्न आपल्यापैकी प्रत्येकाला वयाच्या विशिष्ट टप्प्यावर भेडसावत असतोच. किंवा करिअर म्हणजे काय इथपासून ते आपल्यासाठी योग्य करिअर कोणतं असेल, त्यासाठी काय करायचं, पैशांचं पाठबळ कुठून आणि कसं उभं करायचं?  दैनंदिन…

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  • Nov- 2021 -
    22 November

    We are Hiring-Jobs Jobs Jobs

    We are Hiring-Jobs Jobs Jobs एका चांगल्या कंपनी मध्ये MBA, MCA, Engineering, Graduation झालेली किंवा त्या त्या कामाचा अनुभव असलेली मुले-मुली / लोकं हवी आहेत इच्छुकांनी खाली दिल्या प्रमाणे संपर्क करावा… कंपनी डीटेल्स सगळ्यात शेवटी दिले आहेत. We are Hiring-Jobs…

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  • Oct- 2021 -
    16 October

    The Mess of Agricultural Education

    The Mess of Agricultural Education कृषि शिक्षणाचा खेळखंडोबा ©विजय रहाणे कोकणातील एका खासगी कृषी महाविद्यालयातून आम्हाला बोलावणे आले, की एक दिवस आमच्या इथे प्राध्यापक म्हणून या, आम्ही चार हजार रुपये प्रत्येकी देऊ. विद्यापीठीय समिती खासगी महाविद्यालयांचे मानांकन करण्यासाठी भेटी देऊन…

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  • 9 October

    Website Development in Marathi

    वेबसाईट डेव्हलपमेंट कोर्स मराठी मधुन फक्त २० दिवसांत ते ही कोडिंग किंवा प्रोग्रामिंग नॉलेज शिवाय आणि सरळ सोप्या मराठी भाषेत…! Course Duration: 8th November 2021 to 28th November 2021 Diwali Offer Price: 499 00Hours 00Minutes 00Seconds Offer is for Limited…

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  • 3 October
    Websites to Create PowerPoint Templates

    Websites to Create PowerPoint Templates

    Websites to Create PowerPoint Templates ©टीम नेटभेट कॉर्पोरेट जगतात पॉवर पॉईंट प्रेझेंटेशनद्वारे एखादा मुद्दा, एखादा विषय उत्तमरित्या एक्सप्लेन करण्यावर भर दिला जातो. याचं कारण, या माध्यमातून, आपल्याला ग्राफीक्सच्या सहाय्याने मॅप्स, चार्ट्स वगैरे वापरून नेमकेपणाने आपला विषय मांडता येतो व तो…

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  • Sep- 2021 -
    30 September
    Deep Work

    Netbhet Booksmart Series -Deep Work

    Deep Work आपल्या आत्ताच्या हाय-टेक, हायपर-कनेक्टेड सोसायटीमध्ये, लोक सतत ईमेल, सोशल मीडिया आणि इन्फोटेनमेंट अशा गोष्टींमध्ये घेरलेले असतात. त्यामुळे कुठल्यातरी एका गोष्टीवर लक्ष केंद्रीत करणे फार कठीण झाले आहे. आणि याचा परिणाम म्हणजे आपण आपली एकाग्रतेची क्षमता गमावत चाललो आहे.…

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  • 20 September
    Verzeo कंपनी कडून विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी सुवर्ण संधी

    Verzeo कंपनी कडून विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी सुवर्ण संधी…!

    Verzeo कंपनी कडून विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी सुवर्ण संधी…! Greetings from Verzeo! In these tough times of economic crisis, we are happy to launch a one-time Paid Course & Internship opportunity designed by industry experts from various industries for your college so that…

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  • Aug- 2021 -
    23 August
    how to read book & why

    How to read Books & Why? In Marathi

    How to read Books & Why? In Marathi © प्रो. धनश्री कुलकर्णी तुम्हाला वाचनाची आवड असेल तर, हे तुम्हाला मिळालेले एक वरदान आहे असे समजा. कुठलेही Book वाचण्यास घेताना त्याला Book न समजता एक संवाद समजा. हा संवाद तुम्ही आणि…

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  • 11 August
    Start With Why

    Start With Why – Simon Sinek (Management Guru)

    ©टीम नेटभेट या लेखात आपण Start with why या प्रसिद्ध पुस्तकाबद्दल माहिती घेणार आहोत. एखादी गोष्ट आपण करतो, एरवीही सहज करत असतो, पण ती गोष्ट आपण का करतोय याचं परिपूर्ण उत्तर बरेचदा आपल्या स्वतःलाही ठाऊक नसतं.. आणि यशस्वी माणसांना हेच…

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  • 9 August
    Side Effect's of Online Classes

    Side Effects of Online Classes

    ऑनलाईन शिक्षण विद्यार्थ्यांच्या अन् पालकांच्या मुळावर तर उठत नाही ना! Side Effects of Online Classes ©रवी निंबाळकर काल कामानिमित्त माझ्या एका नातेवाईकाच्या गावी गेलो होतो. यावेळी काही शिक्षकांशी व काही गावातील लोकांशी गप्पा झाल्या. तेव्हा ऑनलाईन शिक्षण, मोबाईलची रेंज, गेम…

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  • 3 August
    Success Has Many Fathers But Failure is An Orphan

    Success Has Many Fathers, But Failure is An Orphan – John F. Kennedy

    Success Has Many Fathers, But Failure Is An Orphan © Prem Jaiswal Success Has Many Fathers, But Failure Is An Orphan John F. Kennedy भर उन्हाळ्यात घाम गाळत दिलेल्या एकूण सर्वच परीक्षेचे निकाल साधारण जूनमध्ये लागतात. आपल्याकडे हल्ली परीक्षेची कमी…

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  • Jul- 2021 -
    28 July
    The Honey trap of Coding Classes For Kids

    The Honey trap of Coding Classes For Kids

    The Honey trap of Coding Classes For Kids कोडींग क्लासचे मायाजाल ©Rahul Ghalwadkar आजकाल एक नवीन फॅड आले आहे. बरेच पालक ७०-८० हजार फी भरून Coding चा क्लास मुलांच्या करिता लावतात. (हा एक प्रकारचा Coding Classes चा Honey trap च…

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  • 6 July
    Lesser-acknowledged career alternatives within the science & technology field...

    Lesser-acknowledged career alternatives within the science & technology field…

    Lesser-acknowledged career alternatives within the science & technology field ©Dr. Smita Thorat, Career Counselor & Educational Consultant Let’s learn about some lesser-recognized career alternatives for college kids in the subject of science & technology. The options is a baffling phase…

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  • 6 July
    What would be the right curriculum for the child when he goes to Grade 9...?

    What would be the right curriculum for the child when he goes to Grade 9…?

    What would be the right curriculum for the child when he goes to Grade 9…? ©Dr. Smita Thorat, Career Counselor & Educational Consultant Interested in pursuing a career in hospitality and a bit confused about what would be the right…

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  • 6 July
    Hacking / Cyber Security as well as in doing and getting an MBA degree...

    Hacking / Cyber Security as well as in doing and getting an MBA degree…

    Hacking / Cyber Security as well as in doing and getting an MBA degree… ©Dr. Smita Thorat, Career Counselor & Educational Consultant   In India, The most common path is after passing class 12 with Maths and physics as the…

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  • Jun- 2021 -
    30 June

    Webinar on “Career in Management”

    Webinar on “Career in Management” Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, University Department of Management Science (U.D.M.S) Sub-Campus, Osmanabad Is Organizing Webinar on “Career in Management” On 03rd July 2021 at 11.00 AM Link for webinar registration (Registration is free &…

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  • 27 June
    Online learning and education for all during and after the Covid-19 epidemic...

    Online learning and education for all during and after the Covid-19 epidemic…

    Online learning and education for all during and after the Covid-19 epidemic… ©Varunraj Kalse As the COVID-19 epidemic disrupted the normal human life-style of people around the world, the visible world has benefited. Among many institutions schools have shifted their…

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  • 15 June
    Online session on "National Education Policy 2020"...!

    Online session on “National Education Policy 2020″…!

    Online session on “National Education Policy 2020: An Interplay of Education And Entrepreneurship” Dear All, Greetings from University-Industry Interaction Cell, Dr. B.A.M University !! We are back with another session on “National Education Policy 2020: An Interplay of Education And…

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