Best Off-Page SEO Techniques to Increase Site Traffic
Best Off-Page SEO Techniques to Increase Site Traffic
@Varunraj Kalse
Today, we’re talking about off-page SEO. With the majority of searches happening on mobile devices instead of desktops, optimizing your site has never been more important. Search engine optimization is something people are talking about more and more and it can definitely feel overwhelming.
Today, we’ll go over 4 of the Best off-page SEO Techniques to increase traffic to your sites so you can grow your business. So, what is SEO? Search engine optimization or SEO refers to making your website appear more frequently and rank higher on search engines like Google. There are on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO refers to optimizing your website by using keywords, creating high-quality content, updating HTML, and so much more, whereas off-page SEO refers to the actions that you can take outside of your website to help increase traffic to your site. And that’s what we’re going to focus on today. If you’re interested in learning more about on-page SEO, you can check out my other articles on this website here.
Now let’s go over the top 4 tips to increase your off-page SEO.
1. Social media
Managing your socials is not only a great tool for raising awareness around your brand, but it’s also a fantastic way to increase your search engine ranking. Creating a post that brings traffic to your website from any social media shows search engines that your site must have great content. The search engine then pushes your site higher and this will bring even more traffic. Creating engaging posts regularly that people can interact with will help make search engines recognize your site and bring people to it.
2. Link Building
When there are links to your site from other websites, it’s like walking into a party and other people are already talking about you. The more sites that link to yours, the higher search engines will view yours. This is a great way to build credibility and authority with search engines. You can get earned or natural links where people naturally link to your site on their own. These links could appear in an article, a review, or even a similar website to yours. Your site will be linked without any effort of your own and this shows how attractive your business is. You can also get built links where you reach out to other websites and work to get your site linked. When you reach out to reviewers, other websites, or influencers to include links to your site, you’re building bridges back to your own site. Whatever you do, don’t flood or spam. Flooding a forum and spamming links to your site can actually make search engines lower your site rank and find you uncredible. When looking to get your site linked, the more sites that can link to your own, the more effective linking will be. Linking gets even more effective if you’re getting linked from similar sites that have high-quality text and great on-page SEO.
Before we get into the next off-page SEO tactic, SEO can feel like a lot to tackle on your own.
You’ll discover how search engines rank web pages and you’ll also learn to perform an audit of your own website’s SEO authority and learn how to create the right SEO strategy for your business using the included worksheets.
Grow better. – Coming up next at
3. Local SEO:
Local SEO means optimizing your site for local search results. This is usually best if your website serves a specific area or if you have a brick-and-mortar store. Focusing on local search engines means taking the time to engage the search engines people are focusing on in your area. Google My Business, Yelp, and TripAdvisor are great places to start. Engaging with reviews and asking customers to leave a positive review can also really help rank your business. For more details on local SEO, here’s a great in-depth article for local SEO to take a deeper dive.
Before we get to our last strategy free SEO starter pack from Hub Spot Company at the end of this article.
It’s got even more details on everything you need to get your blog or site ranking in search. You’ll get access to templates, insight reports, and more for free. So definitely check it out.